Milk Chocolate Apple & Sea Salt Bark

Milk Chocolate Apple & Sea Salt Bark

A delicious snack that delivers on the healthful glow of dried fruits drenched in milk chocolate indulgence! It is delicious au naturel or with ice cream.


Milk Chocolate:
298 grams (10.5 oz)
Apple Pieces:
45 grams (0.5 cup)
Sea Salt, Coarse:
4 grams (0.5 tsp) or to taste

Mixing Directions

Melt milk chocolate in a double boiler with constant stirring until all chunks are melted (115° to 120° F). Pour chocolate into a separate bowl; add solid chocolate and stir to melt chunks. Adjust temperature from 87° to 91° F. Fold 35g of apple pieces into the chocolate; pour the mixture and spread it evenly onto a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Sprinkle the remaining 10g of apple pieces and sea salt on top of chocolate (evenly distributed). Place cookie sheet into a refrigerator for ½ hour. When solidified, remove from refrigerator and break bark into irregular pieces. Store bark in container with lid at room temperature or in refrigerator.

About Apple Pieces

Apple pieces work well in bakery items including breads, cake, muffin and pancake mixes, nutrition and granola bars, and dry mixes; fruit preparations; snack and trail mixes; confectionery.

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