
Drying and Milling

The drying process is a balance of time, temperature, humidity, air flow, and bed depth through a continuous conveyor tunnel dryer. It is divided into three zones, each with its own controls for regulating temperature and air velocity. The process can produce whole dry pieces and can dry pomace leftover from juicing. Air drying is a validated process that gives you a final product with water activity below the threshold for microbial growth. After the fruit or vegetable is dried, it is milled to various particle sizes based on product specification. Utilizing air classification milling, the process can achieve particle sizes as fine as 100 mesh. This capability creates powders that work well in a variety of foods and other applications. 

powder fruit


  • Made from whole fruit and vegetable ingredients 
  • Upcycled ingredients 
  • Local supply chain 
  • Lowest costing drying technology 
  • No carriers 
  • Piece identity (a variety of size options) 
  • Lowest freight and storage costs 


  • Bakery mixes 
  • Fruit and snack mixes 
  • Soup, sauce, or dressing mixes  
  • Dairy products, such as in yogurt or in dairy spreads 
  • Beverages (including smoothies)  
  • Pet foods 
  • Nutraceutical 
  • Granola bars, protein and fiber bars 
  • Meal replacement bars  
  • Fruit preparations  
fruit bar
dried apples

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