
How Healthy Is Peach Juice?

Whether you’re a toddler with a sippy cup or a grown-up with a can of hard seltzer, fruit juice is one of the most familiar and welcome beverages. Even besides the myriad flavors of fruit juice available, fruit juices offer essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the body needs to maintain good health. One of the oldest and best known fruits from around the world is the peach, and peach juice is a flavorful way to access the many health benefits of this fruit with the famous fuzzy skin.

What to Know About Peaches   

Peaches (Prunus persica) are believed to have originated in northwest China more than 8,000 years ago. After being spread to other parts of Asia due to the Silk Road and other trade routes, they eventually made their way to Persia, ancient Greece, and the rest of Europe. Today peaches are cultivated all over the world in regions with warm, temperate climates such as China, the United States, Italy, Spain, and many other countries. The fruit has become a popular and widely enjoyed component of various cuisines and is celebrated for its delicious taste and nutritional benefits.

Peach Nutrition Facts

In terms of general nutrition advice, it is widely accepted that eating a variety of fruits is one of the key components of a balanced daily diet. Drinking fruit juice can also be part of a healthy diet, though juice generally has less dietary fiber. This is because much of the fiber in fruit comes from the flesh, skin, and seeds that are usually discarded; at FruitSmart, however, many of these discarded elements can be upcycled into useful ingredients like powders and oils. Below are some of important nutrients found in peach juice:

Vitamins (% Daily Value)

  • vitamin A (2%)
  • vitamin C (8%)
  • vitamin E (5%)
  • riboflavin (3%)
  • niacin (5%)

Minerals (% Daily Value)

  • calcium (1%)
  • phosphorus (3%)
  • potassium (4%)
  • manganese (3%)
  • magnesium (3%)

Without added sugars, an average serving size of peach juice has 35 grams of total carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of protein, and trace amounts of total fat (mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat).

Health Benefits of Peach Juice 

In addition to the various nutrients listed above, peaches include a number of other compounds that the body can convert into valuable amino acids and fatty acids. Apart from these basic building blocks, peaches also contain numerous antioxidants. Antioxidants, found in substances like polyphenols and beta-carotene, are important substances because they protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. It is this total mix of antioxidants and other nutrients that provides the health benefits we associate with peaches:

  • Immune system: Free radicals are tiny particles that can cause oxidative stress and damage cells throughout the body. But the combination of antioxidants and nutrients like vitamin C are known to prevent such damage by improving the function of the immune system.
  • Digestive health: Even though some of the fiber content is removed during the juicing process, peach juices, purees, and concentrates still contain some dietary fiber. Fiber in general helps improve digestive health by increasing the regularity of bowel movements and adding bulk to stool. Having sufficient fiber in one’s diet can also reduce the likelihood of developing typical gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Another potential benefit of the antioxidants found in peaches is their anti-inflammatory properties. There is a whole category of diseases that stem from dysfunction of the inflammatory response from the immune system; antioxidants can help contain inflammation, however, by limiting the release of inflammatory compounds like cytokines and histamines.
  • Heart health: There are numerous substances in peaches that can also contribute to heart health. One example is potassium, a mineral that is helpful in regulating blood pressure and improving blood circulation. There is also evidence that peaches may be able to remove bile acids that are associated with high cholesterol levels; lowering cholesterol is also a major component of good long-term heart health.
  • Eye health: Two of the antioxidants found in peaches are the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin; both of these compounds are believed to improve eye health and protect against age-related macular degeneration.
  • Weight loss: Peaches and other stone fruits like cherries and apricots are all low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods that can fit into any weight loss plan. In addition to the high water content providing hydration, their natural sugars (glucose and fructose) make them a tasty and filling choice.
  • Chronic disease: The oxidative stress noted earlier is also believed to be a significant factor in the development of numerous chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Adopting a diet that is high in peaches and other foods that contain antioxidants is one of the easiest ways to reduce the likelihood of developing such a disease.

Contact FruitSmart for Quality Juices, Purees, and Concentrates

Like with any kind of fruit juice, peach juice when consumed in moderation is a healthy addition to any diet. Peaches, whether as a juice, puree, or concentrate, are a versatile fruit valued by commercial beverage producers. Yet at FruitSmart, our high quality products are just the beginning of what we offer. Our knowledgeable and creative team is passionate about helping you develop the next amazing juice-based product that will delight your customers and deliver on both flavor and nutritional value. To learn more about our products or how FruitSmart can help you, please contact us today.

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